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  1. We got an issue with vote page we trying to find out the bug we will be back shortly!!!
  2. Update and Improvements - New Deposit System added to our Toplist to be easier and quicker your orders. - Vote Credit system has been added. ***Vote Credit system: its a system that reward the owners with Credits when they using our vote reward system and working based on their votes! What you can do with this Credits? you can buy premiums and Sponsor slots Website: https://l2network.eu/ Added 2 more payment methods -Stripe -Cryptocurrency
  3. Create now your Clan Club and find new Crew for your Lineage2 Clan! Create a Club
  4. we have update our vote system to be more safe and easy to use for our players! 1) for now on you can only server rate once with rating stars and emoji system, that's mean we upgrade our security system so we can check your vote 2) we have reset remove the multiple rating stars votes so this will be unique for every player ID! 3) fixed the issue with the register page and login area
  5. 1) First you need to sign up to our forum https://l2network.eu/forums/index.php?/login/ 2) validating your email that we send you 3) push the button Rate Server 4) Create a review based on our Emoji system and Confirm and vote
  6. From now on we added a required login before you vote to avoid the proxy votes and cheating !!! Added rating emoji system for the servers to display the quality of the server based of the players !!!
  7. Kind of mission Mission Restrictions Terms of completion Reward Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 1-20) Character lvl 1-20 Kill 30 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 30 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 21-40) Character lvl 21-40 Kill 30 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 30 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Scroll: 2000 SP — 1 pcs. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. High-grade XP Scroll — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 41-50) Character lvl 41-50 Kill 40 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 40 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 51-60) Character lvl 51-60 Kill 50 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 50 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 61-70) Character lvl 61-70 Kill 60 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 60 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 71-75) Character lvl 71-75 Kill 80 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 80 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting I (Lv. 76+) Character lvl 76-99 Kill 100 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 100 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Jewel Coin — 5 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 1-20) Character lvl 1-20; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 1-20)" mission is complete Kill 50 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 50 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 21-40) Character lvl 21-40; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 21-40)" mission is complete Kill 60 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 60 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Scroll: 2000 SP — 1 pcs. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. High-grade XP Scroll — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 41-50) Character lvl 41-50; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 41-50)" mission is complete Kill 80 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 80 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 51-60) Character lvl 51-60; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 51-60)" mission is complete Kill 100 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 100 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 61-70) Character lvl 61-70; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 61-70)" mission is complete Kill 120 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 120 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 71-75) Character lvl 71-75; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 71-75)" mission is complete Kill 150 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 150 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting II (Lv. 76+) Character lvl 76-99; The "Daily Hunting I (Lv. 76+)" mission is complete Kill 200 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 200 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 1-20) Character lvl 1-20 Kill 80 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 80 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 21-40) Character lvl 21-40 Kill 100 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 100 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Scroll: 2000 SP — 1 pcs. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. High-grade XP Scroll — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 41-50) Character lvl 41-50 Kill 120 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 120 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 51-60) Character lvl 51-60 Kill 150 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 150 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 61-70) Character lvl 61-70 Kill 180 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 180 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 71-75) Character lvl 71-75 Kill 200 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 200 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting III (Lv. 76+) Character lvl 76-99 Kill 300 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 300 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 1-20) Character lvl 1-20 Kill 100 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 100 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 21-40) Character lvl 21-40 Kill 130 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 130 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Scroll: 2000 SP — 1 pcs. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. High-grade XP Scroll — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 41-50) Character lvl 41-50 Kill 160 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 160 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 51-60) Character lvl 51-60 Kill 200 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 200 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 61-70) Character lvl 61-70 Kill 240 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 240 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 71-75) Character lvl 71-75 Kill 300 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 300 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting IV (Lv. 76+) Character lvl 76-99 Kill 400 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 400 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 1-20) Character lvl 1-20 Kill 130 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 130 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 21-40) Character lvl 21-40 Kill 160 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 160 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Scroll: 2000 SP — 1 pcs. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 2 pcs. High-grade XP Scroll — 1 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 41-50) Character lvl 41-50 Kill 200 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 200 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 51-60) Character lvl 51-60 Kill 250 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 250 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 61-70) Character lvl 61-70 Kill 300 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 300 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 71-75) Character lvl 71-75 Kill 400 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 400 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs. Repeating Daily Hunting V (Lv. 76+) Character lvl 76-99 Kill 500 monsters. Daily quest. A reward is given for killing any 500 monsters. Monsters below character for 5 or more levels are not counted. Rice Cake of Flaming Fighting Spirit Event — 3 pcs
  8. If you do not read these rules your server will get disabled. If you log in our website using proxy or dedicated servers, your server will be disabled. If you are not the server admin. DO NOT add the server! 1. Server must be Online to get approved. 2. Multiple accounts are forbidden. Do not add the same server 2 times to the same account or different accounts, both servers will be disabled. 3. Servers must be FREE Public servers. You can have any registration method, but the public must be allowed to play for free. 4. No illegal or crap info allowed in the listing form. 5. No links to files are allowed. 6. You must add your server status and date correctly also you must keep your server status updated. 7.Server name cannot be edited after having been inserted into the database, so please add it correctly. Don't add rates/chronicles in server name.. Server name must reflect your domain name. Adding other info to server name will disabled you server. 8. You must have a functional website / forum for users to contact you.. - Website must not be a free service like wcoz,wix and other type of free web services or facebook pages, links to files. We are not accepting this kind of servers. - Do not use redirects to other website. This may cause your server being disabled. 9. Main condition for approval on l2network.eu is our vote code. This code must be added on your website in a visible location.. TEST MODE will be added for servers that not adding our vote code in a visible zone this include bottom of the website. Visible zone mean, that users when open your website, must see our vote code for any type of screen size. REMOVAL of the l2network vote code will remove your site from the list. 10. You are required to keep the submitted Server listing information up to date this includes removal of your server if you close. Periods of approval for servers added in l2network.eu: - Coming Soon -> 1 day; - Live servers -> 3 days (If you do not want to wait three days be approved, please visit the forum section for premium users); - Server must be over 70% up-time after 3 days (except beta and coming soon servers); - The server will be deleted if it proves to be offline for 3 days (except beta and coming soon servers); Russian Если вы не читаете эти правила, ваш сервер будет отключен. Если войти в систему нашего сайта с помощью прокси-сервера или выделенных серверов, ваш сервер будет отключен. Если вы не администратор сервера, НЕ добавить сервер! 1. Сервер должен быть на сайте, чтобы получить одобрение. 2. Несколько учетных записей запрещены. Не добавляйте один и тот же сервер, дважды на тот же счет или различных счетов. 3. Сервер должен быть свободен публичный сервер. Вы можете выбрать любой метод регистрации, но игроки должны иметь возможность играть бесплатно. 4. Нет незаконным или дерьмо Информация разрешено в виде листинга. 5. Нет ссылки на файлы не допускаются. 6. Вы должны добавить свой статус сервера и дату правильно. Вы должны также держать ваш статус сервера обновляется. 7. Имя сервера не может быть отредактировано после вставки в базу данных, поэтому, пожалуйста, добавьте его правильно. Не добавляйте оценки / хроники в имя сервера. Имя сервера должно отражать ваше доменное имя. Добавление другой информации к имени сервера отключит ваш сервер. 8. Вы должны иметь функциональный сайт / форум для пользователей, чтобы связаться с Вами.. - Не используйте редиректы на другой веб-сайт. Это может привести к ваш сервер быть отключен. 9. Основным условием для утверждения на l2network.eu является наш код голосования. Этот код должен быть добавлен на ваш сайт в видимом месте. ТЕСТОВЫЙ РЕЖИМ будет добавлен для серверов, которые не добавляют наш код голосования в видимой зоне, включая нижнюю часть веб-сайта. Видимая зона означает, что пользователи, открывающие ваш сайт, должны видеть наш код голосования для любого размера экрана. УДАЛЕНИЕ кода голосования l2network удалит ваш сайт из списка. 10. Вы должны держать представленный сервер листинг информацию в актуальном состоянии, это включает в себя удаление вашего сервера, если закрыть его. Периоды утверждения для серверов добавлены на l2network.eu: - Скоро -> 1 день; - Живой сервер -> 3 дня (Если вы не хотите ждать три дня до утверждения, пожалуйста, посетите раздел рекламы для премиум-сервера); - Сервер должен быть более чем на 70 процентов до времени после 3-х дней (за исключением бета-версии и в ближайшее время сервер); - Сервер будет удален, если он оказывается в автономном режиме в течение 3 дней (за исключением бета-версии и в ближайшее время сервера); Spanish Si usted no lee estas reglas su servidor será discapacitado Si inicia sesión en nuestro sitio web utilizando proxy o servidores dedicados, su servidor se desactivará. Si usted no es el administrador del servidor, NO agregue el servidor! 1. Servidor debe estar en línea o conectado para conseguir su aprobación. 2. Las cuentas múltiples están prohibidos. No agregue el mismo servidor 2 veces a la misma cuenta o cuentas diferentes. 3. El servidor debe ser servidor público gratis. Usted puede elegir cualquier método de registro, pero los jugadores deben jugar gratis. 4. No se permite ninguna información ilegal o mierda en forma de listado. 5. No se permiten enlaces a archivos. 6. Debe agregar la fecha y estado del servidor correctamente. También debe mantener su estatus de servidor actualizado. 7.El nombre del servidor no se puede editar después de haber sido insertado en la base de datos, por lo tanto, agréguelo correctamente. No agregue tasas / crónicas en el nombre del servidor. El nombre del servidor debe reflejar su nombre de dominio. Agregar otra información al nombre del servidor deshabilitará su servidor. 8. Usted debe tener un sitio web funcional / foro para que los usuarios puedan contactar con usted.. - No utilice redirige a otro sitio Web. Esto puede hacer que su servidor está discapacitado.. 9. La condición principal para la aprobación en l2network.eu es nuestro código de voto. Este código debe agregarse a su sitio web en una ubicación visible. Se agregará MODO DE PRUEBA para los servidores que no agreguen nuestro código de voto en una zona visible, esto incluye la parte inferior del sitio web. Zona visible significa que los usuarios cuando abran su sitio web deben ver nuestro código de voto para cualquier tipo de tamaño de pantalla. La ELIMINACIÓN del código de voto l2network eliminará su sitio de la lista. 10. Usted está obligado a mantener actualizada la información del servidor presentado , esto incluye la eliminación de su servidor si usted lo cierran.. Los períodos de aprobación para los servidores añadidos en l2network.eu: - Próximamente -> 1 día; - Servidor en vivo -> 3 días (Si no desea esperar tres días a la aprobación, por favor visite la sección de foro para los usuarios premium); - Servidor debe ser más del 70 por ciento el tiempo de actividad después de 3 días (excepto los servidores Beta y próximamente); - El servidor va a ser eliminado si se demuestra que esta fuera de línea durante 3 días (excepto los servidores Beta y próximamente); Greek Αν δεν έχετε διαβάσει αυτούς τους κανόνες, εξυπηρετητή σας θα απενεργοποιηθεί. Εάν συνδεθείτε στην ιστοσελίδα μας χρησιμοποιώντας μεσολάβησης ή dedicated servers, ο διακομιστής σας θα απενεργοποιηθεί. Εάν δεν είστε, διαχειριστή του διακομιστή, ΜΗΝ προσθέσετε το διακομιστή! 1. Διακομιστής πρέπει να είναι ηλεκτρονικά για να πάρει την έγκριση. 2. Πολλαπλών λογαριασμών απαγορεύεται. Μην προσθέτετε τον ίδιο διακομιστή δύο φορές στον ίδιο λογαριασμό ή διαφορετικούς λογαριασμούς. 3. Διακομιστής πρέπει να είναι δωρεάν δημόσια server. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε οποιαδήποτε μέθοδο εγγραφής, αλλά οι παίκτες θα πρέπει να παίξετε δωρεάν. 4. Καμία παράνομη ή χάλια πληροφορίες επιτρέπεται σε το φόρμα εισαγωγής. 5. Δεν συνδέσεις με τα αρχεία επιτρέπονται. 6. Θα πρέπει να προσθέσετε την κατάσταση του διακομιστή σας και την ημερομηνία σωστά. Θα πρέπει επίσης να κρατήσει την κατάσταση του διακομιστή σας ενημερωμένο. 7.Το όνομα του διακομιστή δεν μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί αφού έχει εισαχθεί στη βάση δεδομένων, οπότε παρακαλούμε να το προσθέσετε σωστά. Μην προσθέτετε ποσοστά / χρονικά στο όνομα του διακομιστή .. Το όνομα του διακομιστή πρέπει να αντανακλά το όνομα τομέα σας. Η προσθήκη άλλων πληροφοριών στο όνομα του διακομιστή θα σας απενεργοποιήσει. 8. Πρέπει να έχετε μια λειτουργική ιστοσελίδα / φόρουμ για τους χρήστες να επικοινωνήσουν μαζί σας.. - Μην χρησιμοποιείτε ανακατευθύνει σε άλλη ιστοσελίδα. Αυτό μπορεί να προκαλέσει το διακομιστή να απενεργοποιηθεί. 9. Η βασική προϋπόθεση για έγκριση στο l2network.eu είναι ο κωδικός της ψηφοφορίας. Αυτός ο κώδικας πρέπει να προστεθεί στον ιστότοπό σας σε μια ορατή τοποθεσία. Η λειτουργία δοκιμής θα προστεθεί για διακομιστές που δεν προσθέτουν τον κωδικό ψηφοφορίας σε μια ορατή ζώνη που περιλαμβάνει το κάτω μέρος της ιστοσελίδας. Η ορατή ζώνη σημαίνει ότι οι χρήστες, όταν ανοίγουν τον ιστότοπό σας, πρέπει να δουν τον κωδικό ψήφου για οποιοδήποτε τύπο μεγέθους οθόνης. Η ΑΦΑΙΡΕΣΗ του κωδικού ψήφου l2network θα καταργήσει τον ιστότοπό σας από τη λίστα. 10. Είστε υποχρεωμένοι να διατηρείτε ενημερωμένο υποβληθείσες πληροφορίες καταχώρησης διακομιστή, αυτό περιλαμβάνει αφαίρεση του διακομιστή σας, αν το κλείσει. Περιόδους της έγκριση για διακομιστές προστίθενται στις l2network.eu: - Σύντομα κοντά σας -> 1 ημέρα; - Ζωντανή διακομιστή -> 3 ημέρες (αν δεν θέλετε να περιμένετε τρεις ημέρες μέχρι την έγκριση, επισκεφθείτε την ενότητα διαφήμιση για πριμοδότηση διακομιστή); - Server πρέπει να είναι πάνω από 70 τοις εκατό μέχρι χρόνου μετά 3 ημέρες (εκτός από βήτα και σύντομα διακομιστής); - Ο διακομιστής θα διαγραφεί εάν αποδειχθεί ότι είναι offline για 3 ημέρες (εκτός από βήτα και σύντομα διακομιστής); Portuguese Se você não ler estas regras, seu servidor será desactivado. Se você efetuar logon no nosso site usando proxy ou servidores dedicados, o servidor será desativado. Se você não for o administrador do servidor, não adicione o servidor! 1. Servidor deve estar Online para obter a aprovação. 2. Múltiplas contas são proibidas. Não adicione o mesmo servidor duas vezes da mesma conta ou contas diferentes. 3. O servidor deve ser público e gratuito. Você pode escolher qualquer método de registo, mas os jogadores devem jogar de graça. 4. Nenhuma informação ilegal ou falsa é permitida sob a forma de listagem. 5. Nenhum link ou ligação para arquivos ou ficheiros, são permitidos. 6. Você deve adicionar o estado do servidor e os dados correctamente. Você também deve manter o estado do seu servidor actualizado. 7.O nome do servidor não pode ser editado após ter sido inserido no banco de dados, portanto, adicione-o corretamente. Não adicione taxas / crônicas no nome do servidor. O nome do servidor deve refletir seu nome de domínio. Adicionar outras informações ao nome do servidor desativará o servidor. 8. Você deve ter um site e/ou Fórum funcional para os usuários possam contactar com você.. - Não utilize redireccionamentos para outro site. Isso pode causar o desactivamento do servidor . 9. A principal condição para aprovação em l2network.eu é o nosso código de voto. Este código deve ser adicionado ao seu site em um local visível. O MODO DE TESTE será adicionado aos servidores que não adicionarem nosso código de voto em uma zona visível, incluindo a parte inferior do site. Zona visível significa que os usuários quando abrem seu site precisam ver nosso código de voto para qualquer tipo de tamanho de tela. A REMOÇÃO do código de votação da l2network removerá seu site da lista. 10. Você é obrigado a manter actualizado a informação do servidor submetido listando informações novas,incluindo a remoção de seu servidor se você fechá-lo. Períodos de aprovação para servidores adicionados em l2network.eu: - brevemente -> 1 dia; - servidores ao vivo -> 3 dias (se você não quer esperar três dias até a aprovação, por favor visite a secção de publicidade para servidor premium); - Servidor deve ter mais de 70 por cento tempo activo após 3 dias (excepto servidores beta e brevemente); - O servidor será excluído se ficar provado que ficou desligado após 3 dias (excepto servidores beta e brevemente); French Si vous ne lisez pas ces règles, votre serveur sera désactivé. Si vous vous connectez sur notre site web en utilisant des serveurs proxy ou dédiés, votre serveur sera désactivée. Si vous n'êtes pas l'administrateur du serveur,NE ajouter PAS le serveur! 1. Serveur doit être en ligne pour obtenir l'approbation. 2. Plusieurs comptes sont interdits. Ne ajouter pas le même serveur deux fois à lamême compte ou des comptes différents. 3. Le serveur doit être public et gratuit. Vous pouvez choisir une méthode d'enregistrement,mais les joueurs doit jouer gratuitement.. 4. Aucune information illégale ou fausse est autorisée comme liste.. 5. Aucun lien ou un lien vers les fichiers ou les fichiers sont autorisés.. 6. Vous devez ajouter l'état du serveur et les données correctement. Vous devez également garderle statut de votre serveur actualisé.. 7.Nom du serveur ne peut pas être modifié après avoir été inséré dans la base de données,alors s'il vous plaît ajouter correctement. Ne pas ajouter de taux / chroniques au nom du serveur.. 8. Vous devez avoir un site web et/ou forum fonctionnel pour les utilisateurs à vous contacter ... - Ne pas utiliser les redirections vers un autre site. Cela peut entraînerle desactivamento du serveur.. 9. Principale condition pour l'approbation dans l2network.eu est notre code de vote. Ce code doit être ajouté à votre site dans un endroit visible ... ENLÈVEMENT du code de vote l2network.eu supprimera votre site / serveur de la liste. 10. Vous êtes tenu de tenir à jour les informations du serveur soumis, énumérant de nouvelles informations, y compris la suppression de votre serveur si vous le fermez.. Périodes d'approbation pour les serveurs ajoutés dans l2network.eu: - Prochainement -> 1 jour; - Beta Serveurs -> 1 jour; - Serveurs en direct -> 3 jours (si vous ne voulez pas attendre trois jours jusqu'à l'approbation, s'il vous plaît Vous pouvez visiter la section de la publicité pour le serveur premium); - Serveur doit être actif supérieure à 70 pour cent du temps après 3 jours (à l'exception des serveurs bêtaet Prochainement); - Le serveur sera supprimée se il est établi qui a été désactivé au bout de 3 jours (sauf les serveurs bêta et Prochainement);
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