• Member Since: 2024-03-21 16:30:54
  • Server Owner: WarcrownTeam
  • Language: English
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: Chronicle 1
  • Status:
  • Server rates:
    EXP: x10 SP: x10 Drop: x1 Adena: x3 Spoil: x2 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x16
Players Rating
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  • GM Behavior:
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  • GM Activity:
    good (0)
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  • Donation Options:
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  • Farming Style:
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  • Gameplay:
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  • DDOS / BOT Protection:
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Server Description
Welcome to Warcrown where Lineage2 meets next-level graphics, cutting-edge mechanics, real-world rewards, and enhanced balance! Play, thrive, and profit from your passion with every character!Revolutionizing Lineage2 with Enhanced Balance! Say goodbye to underutilized characters as we introduce new abilities, ensuring every character thrives in combat and gameplay!rnrnSERVER DETAILSrnrnChronicle: Improved High FivernGame Client: SalvationrnPlatform: OFF/PTSrnLimit clients per HWID: 2 with restriccionsrnGame Protection: YesrnGame Launcher: YesrnDDoS Protected Proxies: EU, RU, BR, NA, UAE, ASIrnDUALBOX DETAILSDUALBOX is allowed with restrictions:rnrnYou can log 2 accounts per pc but with the following restrictionsrnYou cannot dual box in PvP (your 2nd char will automatic be ported to town when you flag with it)rnYou cannot dual box in EventsrnYou cannot dual box in OlympiadrnYou cannot dual box in SiegesrnYou cannot dual box in EpicsrnYou cannot dual box in PvP Zones (such as mos and pagan, epic zones etc)rnMaximum number of members in a party:9rnGENERAL RATESrnrnExperience: x10rnSkill Points: x10rnDrop: x1rnAdena: x3rnQuest: x1rnSpoil: x2rnADITIONAL FEATURES AND CHANGESrnrnAutolearn skills until lvl 79 Without forgoten skills - lvl 80 books can be farmedrnAuto lootrnWeight limit: RetailrnShift + click on monsters to see the droplistrnMP potions in Premium shop or Voteshop (1000 + 10s CD)rnOffline shop (duration 7 days before being kicked)rnBuff slots 24+4 (buff duration 2h, selfbuffs retail)rnThere clan penalty to invite/expellrnClan skills for all membersrnMissions system (from Classic), you can get rewards by completing daily/weekly/one-time missions like killing monsters, raids, players on pvp, epics, collecting certain items…rnBuff block skillrnBlock exp skill from voting/premiumrnRestore life does not work in Raid Boss or Epic BossrnBlessed Scroll of Resurection has 1 minute cooldown (reuse)rnFirst class change: 10.000 AdenarnSecond class change: 3.000.000 or 1 Donation CoinrnThird class change: 25.000.000 or 1 Donation CoinrnSubclass QUEST (sub class raid boss respawn time is 8h + 1 random), once you have Pipete you can exchange for Red Pipete for FREE in gmshop. On this way everyone can make subclass without going to BaiumrnNobless QUEST, supplier of reagents quest (for moonstone shard and hellfire oil) has been increased x3 ratesrnBarakiel, if you kill barakiel on this step of the quest you will get the staff, if you don’t last hit the raid you will get a staff fragment instead, with 15 fragments you automatically get the staff and can finish the quest. This means that even failing barakiel you always progressrnCore and Orfen jeweles got boosted stats