• Member Since: 2023-12-03 02:45:33
  • Server Owner: L2MaxPain
  • Language: English
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Status:
  • Server rates:
    EXP: x10000 SP: x10000 Drop: x10000 Adena: x10000 Spoil: x10000 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x20
Players Rating
Vote for Us 0
  • Server Stability:
    good (26)
    meh (6)
    bad (2)
  • GM Behavior:
    good (27)
    meh (5)
    bad (2)
  • GM Activity:
    good (25)
    meh (7)
    bad (2)
  • Donation Options:
    good (26)
    meh (6)
    bad (2)
  • Farming Style:
    good (25)
    meh (7)
    bad (2)
  • Gameplay:
    good (25)
    meh (7)
    bad (2)
  • DDOS / BOT Protection:
    good (24)
    meh (8)
    bad (2)
L2 MaxPain
Owner has tracking disabled
Server Description
Custom Features:rn[Custom Hero System: The top 20 players in PvP will become heroes. This ranking resets every week.]rnrn[Siege System: Clans spawn in a custom zone, and each clan will automatically spawn a flag that serves as the clan's respawn point. To capture a castle, a clan must achieve the highest number of pvps. rnThis system resets every week.]rnrn[Elo Ranking System: 1 vs 1 Mode. Climb the ranking Ladders by winning matches and get rewards. Resets every 2 weeks.]rnrnCustom Gear:rn[MaxPain Armors/Weapons are 150% more powerful than regular gear. We didn't just throw in random numbers; instead, we carefully balanced them. So, if you and your enemy both have custom gear, it's the same as if you had normal S-grade gear.]rnrn[Unlimited Chests] More powerful end game maxpain chests that give extra bonus stats.rnrnPvP Zone - Solo:rn[You receive a head trophy each time you defeat an enemy. The number of head trophies depends on your killing spree. For example, if you achieve a killing spree of 50, the multiplier increases to x6.]rnrnPvP Zone - Party:rn[This zone is extremely challenging, requiring you to defeat parties of bots. Each bot drops crystal scrolls and secret books of giants. Parties respawn every 30 seconds, and you must also watch out for other parties.]rn rnEnchant Rates:rn[Safe: +3 Max: +20]rnrn[Blessed Scrolls: Can be used from +1 to +16 and retain enchantments without breaking.]rn[+4/60%] [+5/55%] [+6/50%] [+7/45%] [+8/40%] [+9/35%] [+10/30%] [+11/28%] [+12/27%] [+13/24%] [+14/22%] [+15/20%] [+16/18%]rnrn[Crystal Scrolls: Can be used from +17 to +20 and retain enchantments without breaking.]rn[+17/15%] [+18/12%] [+19/+8%] [+20/5%]