• Member Since: 2023-11-12 12:19:36
  • Server Owner: Stellar
  • Language: English
  • Platform: L2OFF
  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Status:
  • Server rates:
    EXP: x7 SP: x7 Drop: x3 Adena: x7 Spoil: x3 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x20
Players Rating
Vote for Us 0
  • Server Stability:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
  • GM Behavior:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
  • GM Activity:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
  • Donation Options:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
  • Farming Style:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
  • Gameplay:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
  • DDOS / BOT Protection:
    good (0)
    meh (0)
    bad (0)
Owner has tracking disabled
Server Description
The server has everything for a comfortable game, buffer, new class balance, modern interface and High Five client. All improvements will help you enjoy playing on our server.