- Member Since: 2023-06-29 21:28:23
- Server Owner: carter
- Platform: L2JAVA
- Chronicle: Interlude
Server rates:EXP: x100 SP: x100 Drop: x20 Adena: x20 Spoil: x20 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x16
- Opening Date & Time: 2025/02/22 19:00 ( GMT+2 )
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Server Description
Autolearn all skills include divine insipiration lv4rnAuto loot configurable by commands menu or cfg use whichever suits you bestrnShift click on monsters to see the droplistrnOffline shop by command offlinernSimplified augment system with repeat button and right click on life stonernInventory slots 150 for all It is possible to increase for the event vote medals and donaternWeight limit increased x20rnSkill Sweeper Festival added to Scavenger class at level 28rnRestore life and Buffs does not work in Raid Boss or Epic BossrnCancel all skills with cancel effect removes buffs for 20 seconds then the buffs returnrnFOI Flames of Invincibility only for movement spells not required effect disappear on casting or hittingrn30 minutes reuse to whole clan Its mean if your clan use FOI you can use it again in 30 minutesrnAll skills type of resurrection effect lasts 5 minutesrnWhen resurrecting an already resurrected player the resurrection timer resetsrnBlessed Scroll of Resurection has 10 seconds castrnMana Potion restores 1000 MP with 5 second reusernBuff slots 32 buff duration 2h selfbuffs retailrnAll buffs are free for allrnMalaria flu cholera rheuma not cleansablernPossible to remove buffs by using the AltClick combinationrnThe maximum number of clans that can form an alliance is 3 including your own clan and two additional clans This means that you can create an alliance with a total of three clans combining your forces and resources to strengthen your side and coordination in the game Working together with your allied clans can provide strategic advantages and improve your overall gameplay experiencernThe maximum number of members allowed in a clan is 72 Please note that the academy and royals are disabledrnThere are no penalties associated with inviting or expelling members from a clan You have the freedom to invite new members to join your clan without any negative consequences or penaltiesrnBuff for clan members when clan has a castle The potential stats granted to clan members by castles can be viewed in the Castle Siege description These effects provide significant boosts to the offensive capabilities of clan members enhance their survivability with increased health and mana reserves and improve the speed at which they can perform attacks and cast spells NOT applied in olympiadrnThe maximum number of clients allowed per Hardware ID HWID is 2rnWe have implemented an advanced anticheat system specifically the Premium version of Active Anti Cheat to protect the game from unauthorized automation or botting activities This premium version provides enhanced security measures and detection capabilities to effectively identify and prevent cheating attemptsrnS grade 100 recipes you need x2 materials to craftrnFang of Stakato tradablernZariche and Akamanah enabledrnFor more detailed information about our server please visit our website at l2libertycom