- Member Since: 2021-09-23 04:59:43
- Server Owner: L2axis
- Platform: L2JAVA
- Chronicle: High Five
Server rates:EXP: x15 SP: x15 Drop: x15 Adena: x10 Spoil: x15 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x16
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Server Description
Rates:rn- EXP/SP x15.rn- Drop/Spoil/Adena x5.rn- Quest Drop x1, Quest EXP/SP Reward x1, Quest Adena/Item Reward x1.rn- Raid Boss Drop x3, Epic Raid Boss Drop x3.rnrnGameplay:rn- Auto farm function for each character for 12 hours per a day.rn- Pre-installed shortcut panel for each new character.rn- Autoloot is disabled by default. Use .cfg/.menu to turn on if needed.rn- Full list of chat commands in the Community Board.rn- Players have a x10 weight limit.rn- 2h duration on all buffs, dances, songs, summon, prophecies.rn- Maximum Clients per PC is 3.rn- Spawn protection is 10 seconds after teleporting.rn- Gear up to Dynasty can be purchased with adena.rn- Shots up to S grade and consumables can be purchased from Community Store.rn- Offline shops are possible, simply set-up shop and exit game.rn- There are no restrictions on the drop from the Raid Boss with a difference of 5 levels. After 5 levels the chance decreases.rn- Magic cancel skills removed from all mobs and RBs.rn- Hellbound is level 11. Enter without quest.rn- Custom NPC with teleports.rn- Mana Potions restore 800 MP. Reuse time is 15 seconds.rn- Only HP/MP and Vit herbs drop from mobs.rn- Auto farm function for each character for 12 hours per a day.rnrnPremium:rn- EXP/SP 30%, Adena 15%, Spoil 15%, Drop 10%, Craft 5%, MW Craft 3%, Enchant 5%. Weight limit 200%.rn- 3h duration on all buffs, dances, songs, summon, prophecies. Enchanted CoV similar buffs.rn- Unlimited auto farm time.rnrnEnchanting:rn- 65% success rate for gear enchantment, Safe enchant +3, Max Enchant +16.rn- 50% Elemental Stones chance, 30% Elemental Crystals chance.rnrnSkills:rn- Skills are auto learn.rn- Forgotten Skills need their proper books to learn.rn- Buff slots is 20 (+4 Divine Inspiration), Dance/Song slots is 12, Triggered 12.rnrnQuests:rn- 1st, 2nd class change is free, adena will be required for the 3rd class.rn- Sub-class is free (Doesn't require Official Quest).rn- Freya quest is not required.rn- Hard Freya request completed Reunion With Sirra quest.rn- Frintezza request quest.rn- Baium request quest.rn- Antharas request quest.rn- Valakas request quest.rn- DontKnowDontCare quest (3rb). RBs respawn time 24 hours.rnrnOlympiad:rn- Olympiads are weekly.rn- Enchant limit is +6.rn- Number of boxes for start oly is 6.rn- The number of battles to receive the reward has been reduced from 15 to 5.rnrnSieges/Tw:rn- Every 2 weeks. Flags will be returned to their owners at the start of each TW.rnrnRaid Bosses/Epic Bosses/Instance Features:rn- Status for all RBs from alt B option.rn- Freya 9-27 chars to enter.rn- Hard Freya 9-27 chars to enter.rn- Frintezza 9-45 chars to enter.rn- Ultra Daytime Zaken 9-9 chars to enter.rn- Daytime Zaken 9-9 chars to enter.rn- Nightly Zaken 18-450 chars to enter.rn- Tiat 9-45 chars to enter.rn- Heart of Infinity 9-27 chars to enter.rn- Hall of Erosion 9-27 chars to enter.rn- Day and Nighttime restrictions to enter all Zaken instances removed.rn- PvP zones at Core, Orfen, AQ, Baium, Antharas, Valakas, Ancient Evil, Ixion, Pendragon.rn- Level Limited zones at AQ for levels 1-45, Orfen for levels 1-56, Core for levels 1-55.rn- Drop from Core, Orfen replaced to Dark Crystal Armor Parts, Tallum Armor Parts, A weapons.rn- Ring of Core stats: Resistance to Poison +20%, Poison attack rate +20%, P. Def. +3%, M. Def. +3%, and increase accuracy.rn- Earring of Orfen stats: Resistance to Bleed +20%, Chance of Bleed attack +20%, P. Atk. +3%, M. Atk. +3% and increase healing effects.rnrnCustom Epic Bosses:rn- Zones with custom Epic Bosses are PvP zones.rn- Teleport to Bosses from CB -> teleport -> bosses.rn- Teleport to Bosses from custom NPC teleporter -> bosses.rn- RB Ancient Evil drops Vorpal Armor Parts, Beas, Bews, Ring of Ancient Evil.rn- Ring of Ancient Evil stats: Resistance to Paralysis +30%, Resistance to Stun +30%, Casting Spd. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%, Speed +7.rn- RB Ixion drops Vorpal Armor Parts, Beas, Bews, Earring of Ixion.rn- Earring of Ixion stats: MP +482, Resistance to Poison +35%, Resistance to Bleed +35%, P. Def. +10%, M. Def. +10%.rn- RB Pendragon drops Vorpal Armor Parts, Beas, Bews, Necklace of Pendragon.rn- Necklace of Pendragon stats: HP +445, Decreases skill reuse delay, Decreases MP consumption, and Increases P. Atk. 10%, M. Atk. 10%.rnrnCustom Instances:rn- Enter to Instances from a NPC in Giran.rn- Cave of the Queen 9-9 chars to enter.rn- RB Queen's Minion drops Dark Crystal Armor Parts, Tallum Armor Parts, A weapons. Possible to get Axis Bronze Coin completing an instance in less than 5 minutes. After death give full restoration of vitality points and gives the Bless of Vitality buff.rn- Behemoth's Fortress 9-9 chars to enter.rn- RB Behemoth King drops Dark Crystal Armor Parts, Tallum Armor Parts, A weapons. Possible to get Axis Silver Coin completing an instance in less than 12 minutes. After death give full restoration of vitality points and gives the Bless of Vitality buff.rn- Tower of Fate 9-9 chars to enter.rn- RB Monstrous Beast drops Moirai Armor Parts, S weapons. Possible to get Axis Gold Coin completing an instance in less than 40 minutes. After death give full restoration of vitality points and gives the Bless of Vitality buff.rnrnEvents:rn- Fight Events in evening: Last Hero, TvT, CtF. Rewards is Axis Silver Coins.rn- Super Lucky Pig event RB first spawn 1h after rr, 15h interval.rn- Drop from Super Lucky Pig: Cloak of Lucky Pig, Earring of Pig, Beas, Bews, Golden Treasure Chest, Blessed Olf's Scroll, Hats, Neolithics.rn- Earring of Pig stats: Resistance to Stun +20%, P. Atk. +6%, M. Atk. +6%, Speed +7.rn- Ice Queen's Spirit event RB first spawn 3h after rr, 15h interval.rn- Drop from Ice Queen's Spirit: Beas, Bews, Vesper Armor Parts.rn- Ant Queen's Spirit event RB first spawn 6h after rr, 17h interval.rn- Drop from Ant Queen's Spirit: Beas, Bews, Vesper Armor Parts.rn- Pirate King's Spirit event RB first spawn 9h after rr, 19h interval.rn- Drop from Pirate King's Spirit: Beas, Bews, Vesper Armor Parts.rn- Zombie Apocalypse event in Towns. Every Saturday and Sunday evening at 20:00 GMT.rn- Drop from Zombies: Cloak of Zombie, Zombie Hat, Ring of Zombie, A-S Cry Gem, Packs with A-S shots, Element Stones, Element Crystals, B-S Enchant Scrolls, Olf's Enchant Scrolls, Vesper Noble Stones.rn- Ring of Zombie stats: Increase Accuracy, P. Def. +6%, M. Def. +6%, Speed +7.rnrnImportant Information:rnWe Highly Recommend using our High Five Part 5 game client, from the site. It already includes our system patch.