• Member Since: 2021-08-24 03:22:06
  • Server Owner: lordsbr
  • Language: Portuguese
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Status:
  • Server rates:
    EXP: x50 SP: x50 Drop: x4 Adena: x10 Spoil: x6 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x16
Players Rating
Vote for Us 232
  • Server Stability:
    good (869)
    meh (53)
    bad (31)
  • GM Behavior:
    good (829)
    meh (86)
    bad (38)
  • GM Activity:
    good (822)
    meh (85)
    bad (46)
  • Donation Options:
    good (841)
    meh (80)
    bad (32)
  • Farming Style:
    good (846)
    meh (74)
    bad (33)
  • Gameplay:
    good (859)
    meh (67)
    bad (27)
  • DDOS / BOT Protection:
    good (854)
    meh (67)
    bad (32)
LordsBR Interlude
Owner has tracking disabled
Server Description
Interlude server. The best files, best balance, Best server to play. No Wipe, no Bots and Long Life server terms! Only 1 player per computer in Flag PvP zones!