- Member Since: 2014-12-05 22:44:30
- Server Owner: darknick
- Language:
- Platform: L2JAVA
- Chronicle: Interlude
Server rates:EXP: x1000 SP: x1000 Drop: x1 Adena: x2000 Spoil: x1 Safe Enchant: x4 Max Enchant: x25
Players Rating
Vote for Us
Server Stability:(42)(5)(6)
GM Behavior:(36)(10)(7)
GM Activity:(35)(7)(11)
Donation Options:(35)(9)(9)
Farming Style:(41)(5)(7)
DDOS / BOT Protection:(40)(7)(6)
GM Shop:
NPC Buffer:
Global GK:
Custom Zones:
Custom Weapons:
Custom Armors:
Offline Shop:
Owner has tracking disabled |
Server Description
DarkNick C6rn-=Server Rates=-rnrn- RateXp = 1000.rn- RatePartyXp = 1.5rn- RateDropAdena = 2000.rn- Drop: 1x.rn- Spoil: 1x.rn- Safe enchant: +4 (on all)rn- Max Enchant: +25rn- Normal Scrolls: +20 80%rn- Blessed Scrolls: +20 100%rn- Crystal Scrolls: +25 100%rnrnNote: From 20 to 25 you can enchant only with Crystal scrolls.rnCryscal scrolls can be obtained only from vote rewarder npc in Giranrnrn-=LifeStones=-rnrn- High Grade LS Chance = 20%rn- Top Grade LS Chance = 25%