• Member Since: 2020-05-15 20:48:13
  • Server Owner: l2kot
  • Language: English
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Status:
  • Server rates:
    EXP: x5 SP: x5 Drop: x5 Adena: x5 Spoil: x5 Safe Enchant: x3 Max Enchant: x16
Players Rating
Vote for Us 16,163
  • Server Stability:
    good (220722)
    meh (216856)
    bad (73)
  • GM Behavior:
    good (220721)
    meh (216857)
    bad (73)
  • GM Activity:
    good (220720)
    meh (216857)
    bad (74)
  • Donation Options:
    good (220721)
    meh (216855)
    bad (75)
  • Farming Style:
    good (220722)
    meh (216855)
    bad (74)
  • Gameplay:
    good (220722)
    meh (216856)
    bad (73)
  • DDOS / BOT Protection:
    good (220723)
    meh (216855)
    bad (73)
Owner has tracking disabled
Server Description
NEW x5 - 17/03. Interlude servers x1, x5, x7 and x10. Bots allowed. We provide free customized Adrenaline and L2Walker bots. Enjoy!